Please Let Me Apologize: A Poem

Please Please let me apologize for what happened those 6 years ago.   We walked the barren fields we exchanged looks and words and stories   and we wept for our past selves we didn’t look back to see the produce of our tears. we just looked ahead.   at the dead stalks jutting from […]

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Let Me Linger Here: A Poem

Let me linger here; recall the beauty of breathing. I stare out your window at the autumn aspens among the green; Old Blue creeping slowly up gravel crunching lightly under its tread.   I pat Old Blue’s dash whisper, “You’re doing great, sweetie” struggling up this mountain.  I internalize the compliment,  turn my face so […]

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TBR: Books I Want to Read in 2022

Another year, another list of books that I may or may not get to. Like usual, this TBR list is tentative, and probably superfluous, since I have so many books not listed here that are already on my bookshelf and that I need to read. Besides, my TBR list is “more what you’d call guidelines […]

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2021: A Bookish Year in Review

Merry Christmas Eve!! I feel like everyone is still processing 2020 (including me), but 2021 has already flown by. This is the first year I can remember that I spent the majority of my months outside of school (I graduated college in May). So most of the books I read this year I read of […]

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Book Review: A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

Reading Hemingway is simultaneously comfortable and exhausting. His stripped-back writing style is very easy to read, but he leaves room for so much interpretation, that I found myself re-reading nearly every sentence (at least of dialogue) in case I missed the nuance the first time. Hemingway certainly isn’t for everyone, with his abandonment of commas […]

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Book Review: Atonement by Ian McEwan

Yet again, I watched the movie version before I read—or even knew about—Ian McEwan’s novel. It doesn’t happen to me often, but it’s such a shame when it does. Especially in this case, where it’s such a conscious effort to remove the film’s influence and fully examine McEwan’s genius. Atonement is such a compelling story, […]

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