**inspired by “The Swing” by Jean-Honoré Fragonard hands at my back pushing forward and up, up, up, the breeze tugging at my face until I felt weightless, the chain squealing in protest, and I looked down at a ground that seemed too big and too far, and my heart jumped. And then back down, down, […]
A Deed or a Map: A Poem
You recommended that I ignore the feet under me. They’ll guide me. They’ll do all the work. And I bent toward you like a plant toward the sunlight and saw an asymmetrical world. It was only right. I now had character misfitting of you. And I wanted a deed to your mind. You gave […]
My Anchor to God: A Poem
Their stepmother had warned them to check the license plates before they got in. It was half right and perhaps it’s because us females learn to rebel against the ingrained teaching to be scared or perhaps it’s because memory is a fickle thing, especially paired against the strong impulse of a moment, or perhaps it’s […]
What it’d be like: A Poem
I used to wonder what it’d be like— growing old with you. How you might clutch your cane in one hand and my hand in the other as we hobble down our street on achy hips and arthritic feet and how you might forget my name every once in a while or even that we’re […]
Ghostly Senses
I used to sleep on my stomach, eyes and left ear buried in the crook of my left elbow, right palm pressing into my right ear. reducing my senses to touch, smell, and taste. We wouldn’t need those in sleep anyway. My momma told me, “Close your eyes and tell them to go away.” […]
The allure of the dance: A Poem
I never understood the allure of the dance until it was my only excuse to be close to you and then the sidestep came naturally. The weave, fallaway, reverse, pivot. Close enough to feel your breath on my temple and see your pulse in your neck and then arm-length away, distant enough to feel […]
A warped face on the bottom of the glass: A poem
A warped face on the bottom of the glass but the child only saw a pig. A pig, and nothing more. She studied the thin, black holes of eyes, nose large and prominent, tip of the upper lip barely visible over the thick white liquid. It was watching her. She drank quicker so it could […]
I dove feet first into the blanket of your love: A Poem
I dove feet first into the blanket of your love But instead of folds of fabric, I was met with cold water that felt like concrete. My Achilles’ heel broke on impact. My strength waned as I sank to the depths; I started to kick, reminding Mother Nature that I was still her baby. I […]
The Great Light of Night: A Poem
He made two great lights and called night the lesser, but we choose to embrace the weight of day’s heavier sister, reserving day for all that’s productive, claiming surface fulfillment, but letting the night be the one that’s seductive, saving what’s real for when we cannot see. The lesser light is for making […]
Let Me Start By Saying: A Poem
Let me start by saying I could be totally off base here. But it really does appear like this person you’re portraying isn’t you. It’s a little dismaying how every time I look at you, you seem to be someone new. From the truth you are straying and from me. The tricks you’ve […]