I wrote this short story as an assignment for a class in college. It’s curated for a good grade based on the professor’s apparent preferences, so it’s not really my style. But it’s good to be taken out of your comfort zone. It’s speculative fiction and fantasy, and I usually like to write realistic fiction. […]
Book Review: Gallagher Girl Series by Ally Carter
After I read the mammoth War and Peace, I wanted something quick and easy to read. On impulse, I reread a series I read (and read, and reread, and reread) in middle school. This story and characters have stuck with me surprisingly poignantly, perhaps the most out of anything I’ve ever read. I don’t really […]
The Necessity of Comfort Books
I don’t know if a definitive definition of comfort books exists, so here’s how I define it: light, easy reads that you can return to whenever you’re in need of comfort. Bonus points if the story itself brings you comfort, whether you are actively reading it or not. My comfort books are the Gallagher Girl […]
Book Review: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
The main emotions I had after reading War and Peace were: How I wish Prince Andrei had a better ending! and How in the world did Leo Tolstoy write this thing? Like, seriously, how? I’m not sure anyone else could have pulled this off. This book just seems so much more than a novel. It’s […]
Momentarily: A Short Story
I have always heard people say, “I forgot who I was.” But I had no idea how literally they meant it. Now, as I look through pictures of myself taken just 3 months before, a stranger looks back at me. Her smile, the way her eyes held the faintest shimmer, her vibrant aura, even the […]
When I Came Back: A Short Story
When I came back, none of them knew what to make of me. I would walk along the familiar corridors, and they would watch me as if my very stride could give them some indication. A lot of cautious smiles, studious glances, awkward attempts at conversation, decaying trust, and lost connection. I tried to convince […]
Popular Books I Hated
A lot of popular books that circulate bestseller’s lists and social media aren’t “worth the hype.” Even books that have stood the test of time and are considered classics are sometimes overrated. The following are popular books that I hated—not books that I just didn’t care for, or books that confused me as to why […]
Little Update: Text-to-Speech
*highlight the text for you to hear it as audio* Someone recently requested text-to-speech capability for my blog, which I’m so grateful to that person for doing. I hope this site is more accessible now for those who are visually-impaired or have reading disabilities. Or for people who would just rather listen. I have added […]
His imaginary conversion: A Poem
It’s Snippet Sunday! This poem was written by writing down random things a professor was saying and then compiling the words into a poem. I did this during a boring virtual class, and they usually turned out extraordinarily mediocre. But I kind of liked this one: His imaginary conversion and its roots in my […]
Playlist Prompt #2: The Cowboy of Providence Senior Living Facility
It’s been a minute, but here is the second playlist prompt. It has more classic (mostly soft) country, with a very random Ed Sheeran. Here’s a link if you missed the first prompt, or just want to revisit it. Hope it inspires or amuses, and have fun writing! Playlist Prompt #2: The Cowboy of Providence […]