The Great Light of Night: A Poem

He made two great lights and called night the lesser, but we choose to embrace the weight of day’s heavier sister,   reserving day for all that’s productive, claiming surface fulfillment, but letting the night be the one that’s seductive, saving what’s real for when we cannot see.   The lesser light is for making […]

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Let Me Start By Saying: A Poem

Let me start by saying I could be totally off base here. But it really does appear like this person you’re portraying isn’t you.   It’s a little dismaying how every time I look at you, you seem to be someone new. From the truth you are straying and from me.   The tricks you’ve […]

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Words I’m Nitpicky About

I recently published a blog about individual words that I believe society has given disproportionate power. Getting riled about a single word is a bit ridiculous, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be intentional about the words we say. And while this blog is titled “Words I’m Nitpicky About,” I’m more revolting against the definition […]

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Love, Theoretically: A Creative Rant

*I feel it’s very important to say this isn’t a poem, because it violates a lot of things I think are important to poetry. It’s not quite as bad as “instagram poetry,” but it’s not intentionally formed as a poem should be. So I’m calling it a creative rant of social commentary with line breaks.* […]

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The Dating Equation: A Poem

Dating: the standardized testing of the romantic realm, reducing the human experience into a single goal… a Relationship.   Dear scorers, what do you think of my fraction? Relationship     Person Under this nonexistent box on this bubble sheet, allow me to explain my answer. Here I’ve put the idea of a relationship over the person. […]

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Writing your Novel: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Previously, I published a post on “How NOT to Start your Novel: Common Mistakes to Avoid.” That post is helpful for optimizing the first 5 pages of your manuscript, which is important if you are querying literary agents or editors. But let’s talk about issues I often notice in the body of unpublished manuscripts.  I’m […]

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