Book Review: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

To discuss this book, I feel like I have to separate my experience of reading the novel and the objective aesthetics of the novel. I get the impression from reading reviews and literary scholarship that fans of the book find their reading experience is influenced by the aesthetics of the novel—that the writing style and […]

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Book Review: Entwined by Heather Dixon

Entwined by Heather Dixon is a YA retelling of the fairy tale, “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” This is another one that I read in middle school, but it has stuck with me since, so I wanted to read it again. And I wasn’t disappointed. I read it in two days. I love the twists on […]

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Book Review: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

I might be finally adding a book to my favorite books of all time. I was absolutely enthralled with Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I didn’t want to put the book down. First of all, the writing was near perfection. It was a magnificent blend of descriptive and subtle. Immediately on the first page, you […]

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McKAY’s Used Book Haul

So I know I’ve done a book haul recently, but that was a targeted book haul from, and it is only a coincidence that it so closely coincided with my being in Greensboro over the weekend, where I visited McKAY’s used bookstore.  The bookstore is wonderfully huge. I probably spent close to three hours […]

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Literary Tropes I Hate

Welcome to another booktube trend! Today I’m listing book tropes that I really don’t like to see in books. When I was doing some research and watching Book Tropes I Hate videos on Youtube, I noticed a lot of them included things that boiled down to genuinely bad writing. I’m going to try to avoid […]

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Thrifted Used Book Haul

I took a dive into to see if I could find any deals, and I found 5 used books I’ve been wanting for around $5 each. They all arrived in great condition, and I’m super duper happy.  Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier I’ve been wanting to read this for a while and have been […]

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