To discuss this book, I feel like I have to separate my experience of reading the novel and the objective aesthetics of the novel. I get the impression from reading reviews and literary scholarship that fans of the book find their reading experience is influenced by the aesthetics of the novel—that the writing style and […]
Book Review: Entwined by Heather Dixon
Entwined by Heather Dixon is a YA retelling of the fairy tale, “The Twelve Dancing Princesses.” This is another one that I read in middle school, but it has stuck with me since, so I wanted to read it again. And I wasn’t disappointed. I read it in two days. I love the twists on […]
Book Review: Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
I might be finally adding a book to my favorite books of all time. I was absolutely enthralled with Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I didn’t want to put the book down. First of all, the writing was near perfection. It was a magnificent blend of descriptive and subtle. Immediately on the first page, you […]
McKAY’s Used Book Haul
So I know I’ve done a book haul recently, but that was a targeted book haul from, and it is only a coincidence that it so closely coincided with my being in Greensboro over the weekend, where I visited McKAY’s used bookstore. The bookstore is wonderfully huge. I probably spent close to three hours […]
Literary Tropes I Hate
Welcome to another booktube trend! Today I’m listing book tropes that I really don’t like to see in books. When I was doing some research and watching Book Tropes I Hate videos on Youtube, I noticed a lot of them included things that boiled down to genuinely bad writing. I’m going to try to avoid […]
Book Review: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams
The novel is rife with easily identifiable issues, but it only occasionally distracts from the general enjoyment of reading it. Before we get into the bad (is it just me that always finds the negative aspects more interesting and more fun to write?), let’s start with the good: The book has a Table of Contents […]
A warped face on the bottom of the glass: A poem
A warped face on the bottom of the glass but the child only saw a pig. A pig, and nothing more. She studied the thin, black holes of eyes, nose large and prominent, tip of the upper lip barely visible over the thick white liquid. It was watching her. She drank quicker so it could […]
Thrifted Used Book Haul
I took a dive into to see if I could find any deals, and I found 5 used books I’ve been wanting for around $5 each. They all arrived in great condition, and I’m super duper happy. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier I’ve been wanting to read this for a while and have been […]
I dove feet first into the blanket of your love: A Poem
I dove feet first into the blanket of your love But instead of folds of fabric, I was met with cold water that felt like concrete. My Achilles’ heel broke on impact. My strength waned as I sank to the depths; I started to kick, reminding Mother Nature that I was still her baby. I […]
I Don’t Have a Favorite Author… Yet. Here’s Why.
Traditionally, I have decided on reading a book based on the book’s concept and description, not because I recognize the author. Whenever I like a book, I don’t immediately think, “Now I need to read more by this author,” unless the author is a classic author that is widely recognized for all or most of […]