Book Review: Normal People by Sally Rooney

I can totally understand the hype surrounding Normal People by Sally Rooney now. I did watch the hulu series a couple of years ago with some friends, which I regrettably thought was influencing my reading when I started the book, but before I got halfway through, the novel was standing on its own two feet. […]

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2022: A Bookish Year in Review

I’m really glad I decided to write this 2022 Bookish Year in Review, because I’d kind of forgotten all the books I read this year. It feels like a new perspective to synthesize my year through the books I read, and going through the reviews I wrote reminded me of my adoration I had directly […]

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Book Review: Dracula by Bram Stoker

I’m finding it easier to describe the cons of Dracula, but I wouldn’t say that they encompass the novel. The book isn’t bad; it’s mediocrely enjoyable. But the pros aren’t glaring. I guess I liked the format; it’s a blend of journals and newspaper articles. It did occasionally give away who survived after a dangerous […]

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What it’d be like: A Poem

I used to wonder what it’d be like— growing old with you. How you might clutch your cane in one hand and my hand in the other as we hobble down our street  on achy hips and arthritic feet and how you might forget my name every once in a while  or even that we’re […]

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Ghostly Senses

I used to sleep on my stomach, eyes and left ear buried in the crook of my left elbow, right palm pressing into my right ear. reducing my senses to touch, smell, and taste. We wouldn’t need those in sleep anyway.   My momma told me, “Close your eyes and tell them to go away.” […]

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The allure of the dance: A Poem

I never understood the allure of the dance until it was my only excuse to be close to you and then the sidestep came naturally. The weave, fallaway, reverse, pivot.   Close enough to feel your breath on my temple and see your pulse in your neck and then arm-length away,  distant enough to feel […]

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Top 5 Contemporary YA Books

It’s been a while since I was an avid reader of Young Adult fiction, so this list is more or less based on books that have stuck in my memory or books I’ve reread more recently. And none of them are new releases. But there is something to be said about the fact that I’ve […]

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