Book Review: The Secret History by Donna Tartt

From the very first page, I adored the writing in Donna Tartt’s The Secret History. It’s such beautiful writing with a compelling plotline. It’s revealed in the prologue that a group of college students murdered one of their classmates, and the rest of the book is delving into what led up to the murder and […]

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Book Review: Red Bird by Mary Oliver

Mary Oliver’s poetry collection “Red Bird” is the first I’ve read of her. I think “Devotions” is the recommended collection to start with, so perhaps that was my mistake, but I didn’t really connect to any of her poetry. But I’ve also heard that Mary Oliver mainly writes about nature, and I honestly like to […]

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Book Review: Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller is a modern retelling of Achilles, specifically the age-old speculation about the relationship between him and Patroclus, which is actually a little more than I knew about the book going in. This is a quick, entertaining read, though not without its flaws, and I appreciate how Miller made […]

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I’ve Been Bad… a Book Haul

I’ve been into book hauls lately on Booktube, probably because I’ve been in a consumerist mood myself and I want to see what everybody else is reading. They led me to look up the books mentioned, and I was shocked at how much prices have increased over the past few years (I know, everything has […]

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