Leaping Without a Lover: A Poem

The river below rushed and wound for momentary rest.  The facade so renowned. I know now it’s not worth it. Somehow the universe knew my fears. Even the sky was moaning amidst its tears. Up here I could have sworn I could hear its heartbeat and I could discern the irony. I too never breathed […]

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every. time.: A Poem

What is the first thing you notice? The first indication that something’s wrong?   It makes your heart trip; the lifeforce inside you freezes, your mouth has two weights on each edge, and your brow can’t seem to lift.   It’s the concern and fear that borrows your breath but it’s the constant circular commotion […]

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Playlist Prompt #3: Holding Us Both Hostage

This playlist is a bit different from the other ones, because I usually try to order the songs into a chronological story, but this playlist is in no specific order. It’s rather based on a central theme: holding each other hostage in an unhealthy relationship. I was listening to “Skinny Love,” Birdy’s version, and I […]

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I Could Have Sworn: A Poem

I could have sworn I was mad at you a minute ago. But lo and behold that smile full of abandon and beguile that speaks of   late night coffee runs from the shabby local gas station.  Strutting across the lot, the world our mansion.   We laughed into the night, daring the haunted corridors […]

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No Compromise in Illusion: A Short Story

I wrote this short story as an assignment for a class in college. It’s curated for a good grade based on the professor’s apparent preferences, so it’s not really my style. But it’s good to be taken out of your comfort zone. It’s speculative fiction and fantasy, and I usually like to write realistic fiction. […]

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Momentarily: A Short Story

I have always heard people say, “I forgot who I was.” But I had no idea how literally they meant it. Now, as I look through pictures of myself taken just 3 months before, a stranger looks back at me. Her smile, the way her eyes held the faintest shimmer, her vibrant aura, even the […]

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When I Came Back: A Short Story

When I came back, none of them knew what to make of me. I would walk along the familiar corridors, and they would watch me as if my very stride could give them some indication. A lot of cautious smiles, studious glances, awkward attempts at conversation, decaying trust, and lost connection. I tried to convince […]

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Little Update: Text-to-Speech

*highlight the text for you to hear it as audio* Someone recently requested text-to-speech capability for my blog, which I’m so grateful to that person for doing. I hope this site is more accessible now for those who are visually-impaired or have reading disabilities. Or for people who would just rather listen. I have added […]

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His imaginary conversion: A Poem

It’s Snippet Sunday! This poem was written by writing down random things a professor was saying and then compiling the words into a poem. I did this during a boring virtual class, and they usually turned out extraordinarily mediocre. But I kind of liked this one:   His imaginary conversion and its roots in my […]

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