Many of you probably know the story of The Polar Express from the 2004 movie, but it was actually a children’s book first published in 1985. And even though I’m mostly discussing the movie, I decree the topic still relevant for a book blog. Some may think it’s silly to analyze a children’s movie/book, but […]
Who Won the Free Dinner in The Canterbury Tales?
Ranking the Tales from Least to Most Readable
The Perfect Thanksgiving Read: Little Women
Happy Thanksgiving, friends! When I asked my mom what book reminded her of Thanksgiving, she said The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, because it reminded her to be thankful for what she has…. And according to my mother, Katniss can teach you how to shoot a turkey. I definitely see that as a tough love […]
Incredibly Cheap Book Haul: 10 books for $10.53
I was traveling through Salem, Virginia when I spied a used bookstore and forced my brother to stop. Little did we know that they were having a Trick or Read deal for Halloween. The deal was that you could fill one of their retail bags with as many books under $4 that could fit and […]
Book Quotes that Inspire, Make you Laugh, and Make you Think
I hope I’m not the only one who keeps a cache of book quotes to revisit. They are similar to song lyrics; they speak to you and nudge something deep inside of you. They just don’t have the catchy tune behind them that helps you remember the words. I’ve compiled some of my favorite quotes […]
How NOT to Start your Novel: Common Mistakes to Avoid
When I read queries during my internship at the literary agency, I would often reject an author after the first sentence of the manuscript. That might sound harsh, but I learned that when I continued reading, my first instinct was nearly always right. If you’ve read my post “A Literary Agency: An Intern’s Perspective,” you […]
My Three Favorite Books of All Time
It took awhile for me to admit that I had favorites, because I felt like I was betraying other worthy books. I also felt that I was betraying an unspoken code that truly passionate readers can’t pick their favorites. Readers were expected to say, “Oh! I’ve read so many — all wonderful — I truly […]
A Literary Agency: An Intern’s Perspective
In the summer of 2019, I was fortunate enough to intern remotely at a literary agency. Just to give you a sense of what it entailed, the bulk of my time was spent reading queries, evaluating partial and full manuscripts, writing reader reports, and maintaining publishing contacts. I also wrote a few editorial letters […]